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​Health and Wellbeing

6 Week Programme

sponsored by Constables Estate Agents


As we are in another lock-down, community group Hip & Harmony CIC have worked with other local groups and businesses to create a 6 week programme of health and well-being for all generations and engage as many residents as possible.  Please read on and we hope this gives you enough information to make you want to join us.


We will host:-


   · One hour slots, 7.30 - 8.30pm, on a Tuesday for 4 weeks starting on 26th Jan

   · Zoom sessions so anyone can watch and interact if they wish

   · Introduction about NP from a member / chair / committee and our history

   · We will select scenes from plays that we can 'read in / act' together (lasting no more than 20 mins)

   · Q&A and discussion





We are working through the full programme but are excited to announce that the first one will be run by Cheryl Barker and will be The Committee Scene from A Walk Through time. 


The scene has the following characters but please don't be shy, men can read female parts and vice versa, this is just a bit of fun


1 male, 5 female. 


It's local, funny and gives us a chance to talk about the play (background etc) in the first 5 or 10 minutes of the zoom and should peak the interest of locals as all relevant to Ladies Day.   



PLEASE email if you want to take part in reading in on 26th Jan for A Walk Through Time


If you just want to join us to listen in and be part of the Neston Players play reading evening then please do so, it would be great to see as many of you as possible and please invite friends , this is not just for Neston Players it is for the whole community.



For Tues 26th details of how to join are shown below and I will email again with details of what we will do doing for the following week soon .



Meeting ID: 889 6997 6275
Passcode: 457102


Details of the full Keeping Neston Connected programme can be found here , have a look there is some great stuff on there.

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